Kyambogo University Staff enrol for tailor-made Law Course

The Acting Director, Mr Precious Ngabirano,  has welcomed Kyambogo University Administrative Staff who have enroled for Law Development Centre’s (LDC) tailor-made Law Course.

They started their course today and it will run for five weeks. The following are the objectives of the program:

  • To inculcate into the trainees knowledge of basic general principles of law and the legal systems.
  • To equip the trainees with knowledge of the law relating to the formation of employment contracts, rights and duties of employer and employee.
  • To introduce to the trainees administrative procedures in the discharge of their administrative functions.
  • To enable trainees appreciate the need to carry out their functions and exercise their powers in accordance with the law.
  • To equip the trainees with the basic principles of criminal law governing the administration of justice.
  • To equip the trainees with knowledge of the basic civil and criminal legislations relating to their work.

Some of the subjects in the course are: Introduction to Law, Administrative Law, Labour Law, Constitutional law, and Criminal Law & Procedure.

The methods of delivery include: presentations, simulated practical exercises, group discussions and presentations and handouts of resource materials.

Mr Ngabirano, called upon the public to enrol for the course because it will equip them with the knowledge of the law. One of the functions of LDC is to organise and conduct training courses for officers of the Government and members of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces with a view to promoting a better understanding of the law. Mr Ngabirano was accompanied by the Assistant Academic Registrar in Charge of Admissions, Mr Nicholas Mpairwe.

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